Super six one youre not innocent... You said without a reason that we have to leave the server in a offensive way... And we bash you because you dont stop to insult and THEN you send a screen with this little thing? Really super six one? First show us what u did. Und danke nosfi dass du meinen kollegen nicht sofort gebannt hast. Dafür wird er auf unsere blacklist gesetzt:D
Take a look we don't want ppl like them around [/img]
Calling someone a Noob isnt really an Insult, because Noob means, Rookie Player. I know it has been used as some kind of Insult from who ever started this to use it as Insult.
Still dont get it... and even if someone call up to your Family Members (like in my Case) they dont get banned so why should he get banned for this ?
Anyway i saw a lot of 2v1 and got some too, won some lost some thats Freelancer on the HHC as i known to learn.
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