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Beitrag Titel: Clan Cruiser
Verfasst am: 22.05.08 03:16
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I know i allready put this idea somewhere but i never got response what others would think about that.

I think there should be implemented Liberty cruiser like ship that would have just main ability mobile respawn for spawning fighters and maybe 1 high damage turret infront for shooting base or enemy cruisers/bships no flaks or any other turret just 1 high damage when it would die would have also a shockwave.

Main thing would also be no fuel penalty so clans could use this ship as small Carrier and anti bship/base/carrier supportand they wouldnt hide it as bship, but i understand bship have penalty so clans dont abuse their power with all that flaks, but with carrier it would be use mainly just for mobile respawn and as i explained above anti base/bship ship. Cruiser would have no anti fighter turrets so its more or less harmless against fighters and couldnt rape nobody, but for protection it would use their own clan fighters, which would spawn from it with mobile respawn.

I know many ppl who love to launch those novas and see explosions and stuff, so this would be kinda dream thing for them blasting carriers out of space. With this thing we could also get something like mobile battle, not just base 2 base battle, but 2 rival clans would meet up somewhere middle of nowhere and crusiers would start launching its fighters against eachother, of course team that would kill enemy cruiser would than only had 2 clear the area.
Battles would become more strategical and in the end more fun.

P.S. I think Bships and this cruise could get some better effects of explsions, when they are dieing...
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Western Alliance - 301st TCEagles Squadron

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 05:03
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Übersetzung auf Deutsch (sinngemäß)

Hi, ich weiss ich habe diese Idee schonmal gepostet, habe aber nie eine Antwort bekommen, wie andere darüber denken.

Ich denke es sollte ein Schiff eingeführt werden, das dem Liberty-Kreuzer ähnelt.Hauptsächlich könnte dieses Schiff als mobiler Respawn-Punkt für Jäger verwendet werden.Dazu eventuell ein Turm mit hohem Schaden in der Front.Dieser könnte benutzt werden, um auf feindliche Basen bzw. Kreuzer und Schlachtschiffe zu feuern.Keine Flak oder sonstige Türme, nur eine Waffe mit hohem Schaden.Dieses Schiff sollte ebenfalls eine Schockwelle nach dem Abschuss auslösen.

Ein weiterer Punkt wäre, dass das Schiff keinen H-Treibstoff verbraucht, so könnten Clans es als Trägerschiff bzw. Anti-Schlachtschiff/Base/Kreuzer benutzen, und würden es nicht verstecken.Jedoch verstehe ich, dass das Schlachtschiff Treibstoff verbraucht , so ist dem Missbrauch der Feuerkraft durch Clans vorgebeugt.

Wie bereits erklärt hätte der Kreuzer keine Flak-Türme, sodass er mehr oder weniger harmlos für Jäger wäre.Zum Schutze könnten aber die Jäger des jeweiligen Clans den Kreuzer als mobilen Respawn-Punkt benutzen.

Ich weiss, viele Leute lieben es Novas abzufeuern, und Explosionen etc. zu sehen.
Also wäre es doch ein Traum für sie, feindliche Kreuzer in Stücke zu feuern.
Mit diesem Schiff hätten wir zudem die möglichkeit einer "mobilen Schlacht", nicht einfach nur von Basis zu Basis.Zwei clans könnten sich mitten im Nirgendwo treffen und von den Kreuzern aus die Schiffe starten.
Schlachten würden dadurch strategischer werden, letztendlich auch mehr Spass machen.

P.S.:Ich finde, die Schlachtschiffe und dieser Kreuzer könnten etwas bessere Effekte bekommen, wenn sie in die Luft fliegen.

I think that`s a pretty cool idea.
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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 06:04
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I too / Ich auch
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hcl_gunso_bronze hcl_std_silber

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 06:46
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jo geile idee Spambox ^^

its a nice idea spambox^^

sry cashbox

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- 4 jahre hhc ad
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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 08:36
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if you give me criuser ok
and no fuel is good idea

battles will be more funny
but how many HP it will have?
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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 08:48
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nice idea

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 09:39
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Nice Idea

I like the idea of no H-fuel penalty but as you say this should offsetted by reducing weapon capability, the high damage turret would be ok but No cloak

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Not all Tedi`s are cute and cudly!!! click here
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hcl_gunso_bronze hcl_donation_platin financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 09:48
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The idea is really good, but I guess that we have had the same discussion before and the concept of the Clan-Cruiser was rejectet.

@ Wagner: thx for translation. I'm too lazy to read such long English texts. Mr. Green

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 10:37
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i like this idea too, but if admins decrease H-Fuel penalty by BS death,
and allow to dock on allied bases by BS you will have enough strategy in
game Razz

PS Earlier was discussion about mounting flak turrets on transport,
and that idea was denied by admins Razz
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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 11:42
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its a cool idea. it should cost 25 H Fuel to undock it (it needs fuel, but not at much as a BS)

mfg Landa
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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 11:47
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Nice Idear, but i think 25 H-Fuel penalty is ok. Than Ship should have 3 Turrets and in the one in front only agains Bases.....

Cloak hm would be also nice

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Heinrich Heine
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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 12:08
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The whole idea would be No fuel penalty, reason bship have penalty is that clans dont abuse bship bashing poor freelancers with it without any consequnces if they die, that is stoping clans bring bship right into battleground.
This cruiser would have basicly no defence against fighters but its mission would be just to bring enemy force closer and it would have no cloak only 1 High damage turret infront. Repairs would have 2 repair it and fighters would have too defend it with guns (More or less spawn on the move)

No Fuel penalty would make clans use it regulary and not again hiding like bship, maybe some will also say bship is overpowered, but yesterday i killed like half of hull on usf goldenhinde with guns only before it took me down, than i finished it off, without novabomb, and when cloaked novabombers come 2 bship, bship literally dont have a chance lol, but ok as u say penalty for bship must be so clans cant abuse power, but with cruiser, abuse of power is at zero because its only like they would move their spawn close to enemy targets, but it involve many strategical battles, how 2 keep cruiser alive, and novas will be definetly hitting it, so we would again be on point all avoiding using it.

Western Alliance - 301st TCEagles Squadron

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[TCEagles]crashbx is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 12:23
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I like the idea too

Grand Admiral of the ]Imperium[

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 13:01
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Good Idea.
(Ich wollt die schon immer haben^^)

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hcl_gunso_silber financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 13:01
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great idea Razz

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 13:13
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and cruisers should fly faster then BS .....

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[-::TA::-]Just is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail sendenWebsite dieses Benutzers besuchen

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 17:32
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if so many ppl support this idea, admins should reconsider this,
what is your opinion?
Ko[M]aR is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenWebsite dieses Benutzers besuchen

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 19:19
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Good idea. Very Happy
Grega is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 19:48
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but dont do any fuel penalty
BART.PL is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 20:00
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oh and btw it would also be a good addition just because of the pathetic position of some of the clan bases.

Grand Admiral of the ]Imperium[

Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
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The Force shall free me.
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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 20:12
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good idea, i like it
General_Kenobi is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 20:21
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cool idea
jusefd is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 21:01
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AdmiralThrawn hat folgendes geschrieben:
oh and btw it would also be a good addition just because of the pathetic position of some of the clan bases.

Certainly and clans could also than fight for certain sectors of system, not just standard patrol paths and around bases, for example did anybody ever fight in sigma 19 example @ planet Hades or in the middle of nebula with gass pockets or even in the middle of minefield... Freelancer battlefields would change strategic battles would take place, Assault on bases would be more fun, since clan would have to take down the cruiser to disable enemy. So clan would have 2 defend and attack same time

Western Alliance - 301st TCEagles Squadron

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[TCEagles]crashbx is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 21:30
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I certainly support this idea. Would be great to have extended tactical combat this way.
Squig is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 22.05.08 21:47
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Bad idea!
If clans get cruisers and battleship, what will come tomorrow?
I think clans get enough power with the BS. They don't need more
power. A little Freelancer can't do anything against something like
this. Just leave it like its is!

I don't like the idea that clans rule everything...
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