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Beitrag Titel: Some suggestions:
Verfasst am: 05.03.09 20:25
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1. First of all I would like to say something about the faction: "The Order"
The problem with this one is that they have lvl6 ships and lvl 6 guns triing to fight nomads that have lvl 10 guns and so on. I think that they should have lvl 9 guns at least with the Seth fighter, and planets like Primus have Order members not monkeys o.O.

2. In the Unknown system I found the Anubis at 1200000 credits instead of the Seth ... Is that a bug?

3. There are Jumpholes that don't work like the one in the Hudson system. (It is a jumphole near a tradelane). Hope that I'm not wrong :|

Will think of more.
I'm sure that these suggestions don't seem quite amazing but I hope that you will understand my concern ...
Thanks! And btw nice server! The best! ^^
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Beitrag Titel: Re: Some suggestions:
Verfasst am: 05.03.09 20:27
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ot207 hat folgendes geschrieben:

2. In the Unknown system I found the Anubis at 1200000 credits instead of the Seth ... Is that a bug?

That's not a normal Anubis.
It has a cloak device ..

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Verfasst am: 05.03.09 20:31
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2. its not a bug, the anubis has cloak ability so the price is very high, the seth could be bought in omicron lambda.

3. normally the hudson texas jh should work

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Verfasst am: 05.03.09 20:32
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To 1.: The NPC-Faction "The Order" are just NPC's so it doesn't matter with which weapons they fight against Nomads or smth else. ^^
And it is an "easteregg" in Freelancer that on Planet Primus are monkeys and on the other planet in Unknown (Gamma) are robots, just normal. ^^
To 2.: Anubis is a modded ship with a cloak-device - buy it, type /cloak and enjoy 100 seconds being cloaked (again and again^^). No bug, it's a wanted thing. Seth is somewhere else buyable, but I don`t know where it is. Mr. Green
To 3.: Few jumpholes are not working after the singleplayer-storyline is finished, but I don't know whether there is also one not working in Hudson ...

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Verfasst am: 05.03.09 20:34
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predaZe it! hat folgendes geschrieben:
2. its not a bug, the anubis has cloak ability so the price is very high, the seth could be bought in omicron lambda.

3. normally the hudson texas jh should work

2. Ok, i've been in omicron lambda and found the same ship ...

3. sorry wrong jump hole, it is one in the rhineland systems that is near the tradelane in an asteroid field. The JH doesn't have a name. But you have used it in the single player ...
ot207 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

hcl_gunso_bronze hcl_donation_platin financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 05.03.09 20:35
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Ah, you mean the jumphole in New Berlin.
It's deactivated because it would be very extreme shortcut for a traderoute (Planet New Berlin <-> Yanagi Depot) and you'd earn lots of money in a much too short time. Wink

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Verfasst am: 05.03.09 20:37
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Rhino hat folgendes geschrieben:
Ah, you mean the jumphole in New Berlin.
It's deactivated because it would be very extreme shortcut for a traderoute (Planet New Berlin <-> Yanagi Depot) and you'd earn lots of money in a much too short time. Wink

A. Ok ). Didn't know that Very Happy.

Rhino hat folgendes geschrieben:
To 1.: The NPC-Faction "The Order" are just NPC's so it doesn't matter with which weapons they fight against Nomads or smth else. ^^

I know what you mean but I don't find fair that situation ... in my opinion ...
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