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 Comfortability FL enhancements Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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Helper Rank I
Webmissions: 36

Beiträge: 4703

Beitrag Titel: Comfortability FL enhancements
Verfasst am: 14.06.21 16:28
Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

maximum credits that a player can have in MP (ALL offsets must be changed!)

show current worth in multiplayer

rank level limit

prevent FL from reducing framerate to 25 in some instances (still need to manually limit framerate using external tool)

time taken to zoom out on NavMap (not zero)

time taken to zoom in on NavMap (not zero)

shoot through HUD

scale LODranges (PART 4) by one of the following factors

maximum distance that NPCs will persist in MP

max docking initiation distance

reputation over which will give you affiliation with that faction (faction name appears in space before your name) [default: over 0.9, but 0.9 is the max you can get for a faction by default, AFAIK]

adjustment for maximum reputation

Allowing multiple instances of FL to run

All bases and jump gates/holes are shown on radar by distance X K

Some possible exe hacks.
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