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 frogten fighter Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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Petty Officer

time_bandit_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 894h
Webmissions: 6

Beiträge: 12

Beitrag Titel: frogten fighter
Verfasst am: 12.02.11 18:51
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well its not that bad, but that might deserve a warn or somthing

all that because he was attacked -.-

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Mr.hashich is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Chief Petty Officer

time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

kreuz_gold budgie
Paranoia Admin
Playtime: 328h
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Beiträge: 16882
Wohnort: Bochum

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Verfasst am: 12.02.11 23:44
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Suspended from active duty.
Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_silber

Playtime: 286h
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Beiträge: 5

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Verfasst am: 13.02.11 13:19
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Is this BAN forever?
Tomi is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Chief Petty Officer

time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

kreuz_gold budgie
Paranoia Admin
Playtime: 328h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 16882
Wohnort: Bochum

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Verfasst am: 13.02.11 14:16
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Who are you ?
Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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financial_expert_bronze basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 524h
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Verfasst am: 13.02.11 14:20
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I was there and i saw the situation... It was really frustrating for him cause they spam like hell and say nothing... i can understand him. I won't say that that is right but i would react in this style too.. 2 Spammers which are attacking you without a reason is really frustrating..

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>CrImSoN< is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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time_bandit_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 894h
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Verfasst am: 13.02.11 15:22
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crimson its nice from you to explain the situation , and the try to find a justification for him, i let you know that i dont realy want to get a player banned

the reason i attacked him is because he attacked me along with guild 41 two days befor ( with them you will see what real spam is) i got kille severale times , when i got pissed of it i just logged of , didnt insult anyone

so u can understand when i found him allone , i took revenge Smile

for the other player who attacked him, i dont even know who he is , and i didnt asked him to help or somthing..

most of the player on hc get ganged often , so again its not a reason to insult every 1

ps: i dont mind if he get unbanned
Mr.hashich is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_silber

Playtime: 286h
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Beiträge: 5

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Verfasst am: 13.02.11 18:46
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I am Forgotten Fighter.. I sometimes join fights vs Pirates, and when I attacked you, you were probably in group with them..
We both had our groups, we fought fairly each other.

I don't attack lonely players without asking for pvp. I only join groups to fight vs pirates who would attack me anytime without asking.

Yesterday I was going to Theta to buy an Eagle. I got killed by BB before I docked. They also attacked without asking. Don't you think that it annoys me? I always get suddenly attacked by a bunch of people..
Tomi is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_silber

Playtime: 286h
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Verfasst am: 13.02.11 18:53
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If spam killing would be bannable, I think half HC would be banned. ..
Tomi is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Combat Officer

financial_expert_silber basefinder_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 1082h
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Verfasst am: 14.02.11 16:47
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lol cmon who cares? he is fighting overnumbered with S.T.E in group ---> He gets killed
and if he is thinking that it ain't fair and he has to insult my mother, he don't deserve to play at this server again...
i've got nothing to say anymore
*Staint~Jimmy* is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_silber

Playtime: 286h
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Beiträge: 5

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Verfasst am: 14.02.11 17:41
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lol Saint Jimmy you just owned yourself. Because exactly S.T.E, those DOOM FY guys, F-TI and other red players are attacking me. You say I fight in team with them.. lololol... You don't even know who I am, what I do, who with... You just came there and thought I would be a good one to be spamkilled 2 vs 1...

And actually I have more time played than you. I have 228 hours, you 153 hours. And I don't understand why do you have to attack people without asking for pvp, + 2 vs 1.
Tomi is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Lieutenant Commander

financial_expert_silber basefinder_bronze jumpholefinder_silber

Playtime: 286h
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Beiträge: 5

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Verfasst am: 14.02.11 17:54
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That's exactly it.. You don't even know who you attack, just attack anyone weaker, to show that you are the "boss". Than someone loses nerves and your first action is posting a picture about it on the forum, like crying to your mommy..

But allright, keep the server for kids, I don't care about that.. But Freelancer is quite an old game, and there won't be new players, only always less. If you will keep on banning players for 1 insult, the number of players on server will go down even faster.

They could vote to kick me too, not ban at first time.

I don't like pirates on the server. S.T.E, F-TI are my least favourite cause they love killing people in groups. But they are at least pirates, I can see that they are red, I await that they might attack me.. But what was your reason of attacking me?
One's reason was revenge, ok..
But you don't even know me.. so? Reason? You think I fight in group with STE.. No, I don't like them, believe me.. Is that what you know about me? fail...
Tomi is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Combat Officer

financial_expert_silber basefinder_bronze rpgchar

Playtime: 1082h
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Beiträge: 196

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Verfasst am: 14.02.11 23:04
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Who is or was attacking him and with anyone at the same group is out of question.
You insulted me, my mother and also hashish hardly...That is fact. If your way of dealing problems entails in insulting other people then you might have some problems with yourself

wtf do you think? you don't know me, you don't know him and you just post sth in here out of topic....you probably see as an USAF every day people who are getting ganked so...who cares? If you do have a problem with someone I won't just go in and say 'wohoo wasn't that bad he just provocates you!' Honestly....mind your own buissness..

@'Tomi' Probably I know much more about you, than you think....and i have my own reasons to attack someone; trust me...
*Staint~Jimmy* is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Chief Petty Officer

time_bandit_bronze basefinder_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

kreuz_gold budgie
Paranoia Admin
Playtime: 328h
Webmissions: 2

Beiträge: 16882
Wohnort: Bochum

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Verfasst am: 15.02.11 11:32
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Completely offtopic...

No apology = no unban

Kirki is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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