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Playtime: 432h

Beiträge: 81

Beitrag Titel: Why Horatio?
Verfasst am: 19.07.12 23:47
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Hello freelancer community!

A year or so has passed since I last played until yesterday.

I didn't insult anybody, at least "asshol" has never been an insult or serious insult to be banned. I suspect it's just because of the crying man and his hmm co-players, who attacked me 2-1 without any reason and followed me in every system I moved and threatened.

I have always thought that rank or amicability to admins of the complaining player has no influence on the decision of admin, on this server at least it was.
Could you please explain your decision and show any evidence of me insulting?

ps: where Kirki has gone?


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Luk is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 01:31
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Luk hat folgendes geschrieben:
at least "asshol" has never been an insult or serious insult to be banned.

HAHAHA Seriously? Oh cmon, do you really think the admins are that stupid as to believe you thought that asshole isn't a hard insult?
Before i get a cob or a warning.. im going to stop responding on that sentence.

Luk hat folgendes geschrieben:
I suspect it's just because of the crying man and his hmm co-players, who attacked me 2-1 without any reason and followed me in every system I moved and threatened.

You were the one to attack us, we just wanted to test something on Seth.
And then you started shooting us.

Also, you were the one to provoke us in hunting you down on every system, and you just kept on flaming asshole at us as we did
Following chars were used, and non of them were free of insult:
-|||-Reward "Alpha", -|||-The_Light"Gamma", -|||-Sky"Theta"

And we didn't insult or threaten you outside of the RP even once:)
We just told you we'd pwn ur butt if you wouldn't stop flaming and we'd get you banned.

I pvpgodded you and told you i only want to hear an apology.
But instead you pulled in everyone around you.
In the end it was 4vs you.
You kept on saying assholes this assholes that.

We warned you that we would get you banned, but you kept on going.
In the end you said asshole to 4 or 5 players.

We warned you again, and asked you if you thought you couldn't get banned for this?
And you said yes (As if youre really that stupid to think that).

Even if you know kirki doesn't mean you can do whatever you want;)
I don't think you deserve an unban, since you kept on going for about 3 hours,
with lots of warnings from us all.

Edit: I heard from alot of players that you were always insulting over and over again. So its probably not the first ban you got.

I just got note from a fellow member of BlackBirds that you have been banned not once.. But twice for the same persistant personality act.

-|||-God's_hand 02.06.07 (Insulting) - unban

-|||-The_Light 26.11.07 (Insulting) - unban

Kirki hat folgendes geschrieben:

Admins discussed this incident a little bit longer.

Decision: 5 days Ban for player -|||-The_Light

Reason: Insulting, persistent offender and complaints by several players in the last time.

After unban it's the last chance for you to calm down. If the player don't change his behaviour, then he will get an One-Way-Ban.

So it seems this was your last chance.

Good day in hell sir..
Hopefully youll come back clean
Kurei is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 06:50
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Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben:
Luk hat folgendes geschrieben:
at least "asshol" has never been an insult or serious insult to be banned.

HAHAHA Seriously? Oh cmon, do you really think the admins are that stupid as to believe you thought that asshole isn't a hard insult?
Before i get a cob or a warning.. im going to stop responding on that sentence.

Luk hat folgendes geschrieben:
I suspect it's just because of the crying man and his hmm co-players, who attacked me 2-1 without any reason and followed me in every system I moved and threatened.

You were the one to attack us, we just wanted to test something on Seth.
And then you started shooting us.

Also, you were the one to provoke us in hunting you down on every system, and you just kept on flaming asshole at us as we did
Following chars were used, and non of them were free of insult:
-|||-Reward "Alpha", -|||-The_Light"Gamma", -|||-Sky"Theta"

And we didn't insult or threaten you outside of the RP even once:)
We just told you we'd pwn ur butt if you wouldn't stop flaming and we'd get you banned.

I pvpgodded you and told you i only want to hear an apology.
But instead you pulled in everyone around you.
In the end it was 4vs you.
You kept on saying assholes this assholes that.

We warned you that we would get you banned, but you kept on going.
In the end you said asshole to 4 or 5 players.

We warned you again, and asked you if you thought you couldn't get banned for this?
And you said yes (As if youre really that stupid to think that).

Even if you know kirki doesn't mean you can do whatever you want;)
I don't think you deserve an unban, since you kept on going for about 3 hours,
with lots of warnings from us all.

Edit: I heard from alot of players that you were always insulting over and over again. So its probably not the first ban you got.

I just got note from a fellow member of BlackBirds that you have been banned not once.. But twice for the same persistant personality act.

-|||-God's_hand 02.06.07 (Insulting) - unban

-|||-The_Light 26.11.07 (Insulting) - unban

Kirki hat folgendes geschrieben:

Admins discussed this incident a little bit longer.

Decision: 5 days Ban for player -|||-The_Light

Reason: Insulting, persistent offender and complaints by several players in the last time.

After unban it's the last chance for you to calm down. If the player don't change his behaviour, then he will get an One-Way-Ban.

So it seems this was your last chance.

Good day in hell sir..
Hopefully youll come back clean

I will get c.o.b but i want to help u if u come to alpha theta or gamma be ready for fight or tax thats pirate teritory mate,so its better for u to train vs 2 3 or 4 then u will get some skill and maybe u will can fight v them or just join to some clan and u will have clan mates who will can help u in this situations.....
And kurei next time when u see new "old" player u can fight him 1v1 hhc is low player server now so we need players if u bash every new play where hhc will be? Laughing

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[-Blade-] is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

Beiträge: 154
Wohnort: Bismarck

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 13:57
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really sorry for c.o.b but i will take a risk then!

i know that many ppl dont like him/her/it.
The Light always was a bit... lets say enthusiastic.

but he never deserved to be banned permanently.

in the end he deserves to play here more than the people who cry about his insults. just give him a couple of warnings if repeat again, he/she/it will understand one day.

sorry ist aber so
Omre is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 15:01
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[-Blade-] hat folgendes geschrieben:
I will get c.o.b but i want to help u if u come to alpha theta or gamma be ready for fight or tax thats pirate teritory mate,so its better for u to train vs 2 3 or 4 then u will get some skill and maybe u will can fight v them or just join to some clan and u will have clan mates who will can help u in this situations.....
And kurei next time when u see new "old" player u can fight him 1v1 hhc is low player server now so we need players if u bash every new play where hhc will be?

Blade, your english is very bad and you should read what i write better before you risk a c.o.b.

Firstly: he attacked "Us" Which means Both of us.
Secondly: I fought him one on one untill i was PVPGod.

We just started bashing him because he wouldn't stop flaming.
The only thing i wanted was an apology, and he would've been out free.

Omre hat folgendes geschrieben:

really sorry for c.o.b but i will take a risk then!

i know that many ppl dont like him/her/it.
The Light always was a bit... lets say enthusiastic.

but he never deserved to be banned permanently.

in the end he deserves to play here more than the people who cry about his insults. just give him a couple of warnings if repeat again, he/she/it will understand one day.

sorry ist aber so

Ehm.. Stupid of you to risk a C.o.b but.
He REALLY Deserves a permanent ban for his currently exisiting accounts/characters since he does it again over and over again which shows a very hard deficit personality which shouldn't be playing games like Freelancer at all.

He has been warned 2 times.
Kirki stated very clearly that it would be his last Unban and if he would still keep on going
he would get a one-way-ban.

And as you can see, it still happens.
I don't think he takes the admins seriously enough;)

Omre: Er wird nicht aufhoeren^^
Kurei is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 15:45
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na dann muss er halt eine gewisse zeit gebannt bleiben, bis er irgendwann merkt, hab jetzt bock auf FL, ich kann aber nicht.

aber diese verteufelung seiner person ist ungerechtfertigt. ich kenne ihn schon sehr lange und besser als du glaubst
Omre is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 15:46
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Tsja, dann haette er sich das frueher ueberlegen muessen.

Der kann ja nachher neue chars machen, das ist evtl genug selbstbewustseinsaufbau fuer ihn.

Edit: Was glaubst du wird er machen wenn er sein einzigen account verliert?

Er wird zu so einer so wie dir kommen zu fragen um geld und ruestung. Und wenn du ihn das nicht gibst dann hoert er auf. So wichtig ist ihn FL;)

Glaubst mir nicht? Versuchs doch
Wenn er kein neuen schiff ohne probleme bekomm kann isser weg.
Kurei is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 15:49
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sei nicht so ein moralapostel. so mancher hier würde diese strafe viel viel mehr verdienen. ich denke ich hab alles dazu gesagt, den rest müssen die admins entscheiden
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 15:51
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Mann verdient es wenn manns verdient.

Ey echt:)
Ich habe ihn die ganze 3 stunden gesagt er soll sich entschludigen, und weiter gehts mit dem flamen;)

Unfassbar, du hast ihn vllt geld gegeben oderso, oder ihn nicht pwnen koennen weswegen er dich nicht angeflamed hat.

Naja egal.
Die admins werden schon richtig entscheiden, da ja Kirki schon eine getroffen hat:)
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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 16:10
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du bist ganz schön überheblich. ich glaube ich spiel bald mal wieder
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financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 16:27
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Lol ^^ Wenn du dir nicht jetz schon mehrere cobs geholt hast.
Kurei is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 17:31
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Pöses Mond Laughing
[BB]-SonicEagle is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 18:14
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Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben:

HAHAHA Seriously? Oh cmon, do you really think the admins are that stupid as to believe you thought that asshole isn't a hard insult?

asshol, stupid, nap ... etc. has always been not a compliment, but not a hard insult. You are expecting someone, whom you fight outnumbered, to thank you and praise you, really?

by the way, you just asked me about degree of stupidness of admins that means that you do not challenge their relation to the state of stupid, just the degree? oO keep it going... show us all your exaggerated self-importance

Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben:

You were the one to attack us, we just wanted to test something on Seth.
And then you started shooting us.

Also, you were the one to provoke us in hunting you down on every system, and you just kept on flaming asshole at us as we did

You were shot with a Single Tizona - everyone, for 6 years I play freelancer, perceive it as an invitation to pvp. You - are the only one, who started shooting with all weapons in return and started killing me outnumbered. The only explanation - is your exaggerated self-importance.

By the way you were explained that it was single tizona, but didnt stop shooting and pursue me outnumbered.

Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben:

We just told you we'd pwn ur butt if you wouldn't stop flaming and we'd get you banned.

I pvpgodded you and told you i only want to hear an apology.
But instead you pulled in everyone around you.
In the end it was 4vs you.
You kept on saying assholes this assholes that.

We warned you that we would get you banned, but you kept on going.
In the end you said asshole to 4 or 5 players.

We warned you again, and asked you if you thought you couldn't get banned for this?

So you just confessed that in fact you were not insulted, it was just a reason for blackmailing of me. Because the one who is really insulted, just goes immediately to the forum and complains, you didn't, moreover you for 3 hours kept on blackmailing me...

Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben:

Edit: I heard from alot of players that you were always insulting over and over again. So its probably not the first ban you got.

I just got note from a fellow member of BlackBirds that you have been banned not once.. But twice for the same persistant personality act.

-|||-God's_hand 02.06.07 (Insulting) - unban

-|||-The_Light 26.11.07 (Insulting) - unban

Seriously? Oh cmon, do you really think that anyone will beleive it and not that You just looked through my previous posts?

Relax, that was 5 years ago, do you know how is called someone who bumps 1-2 year old topics? .... 5year old ancient topic bump - great! you are so tempered to fulfill your threat (how's that possible, his majesty said I will be banned, everyone must obey) that you are ready for anything, even to bump ancient topics )))

PS: so what we have here? an old player and "financial supporter" with exaggerated self importance - a good test for impartiality of admins.

PS2: a lot of words, but we haven't seen any sreenshots so far, especially where I call 4-5 players assholes.


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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Luk am 20.07.12 18:26, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 18:24
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Okay, maybe I risk another c.o.b.-warning but I was with Mondrabe for a bit of time and also shot Luk/The_Light/Reward, and I got insulted, too.

We told you to calm down, you just said "asshol" to us, repeatedly, over and over again. Saying it once is no big deal but getting flamed in this manner over such a span of time is ban-worthy, especially in your case. You have been banned twice for insulting and although five years have passed you did not change a bit. You just flamed a lot and insulted us. That's not how get respect from your opponents.

I was the one who sent a PM to Mond/Kurei to tell him that I know that you have been banned twice in the past and always have been flaming hard and insulting other players.

What do you call people who insulted 5 years ago and just do the same when he returns? Banned.

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Rhino is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 18:28
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Rhino hat folgendes geschrieben:
Okay, maybe I risk another c.o.b.-warning but I was with Mondrabe for a bit of time and also shot Luk/The_Light/Reward, and I got insulted, too.

We told you to calm down, you just said "asshol" to us, repeatedly, over and over again. Saying it once is no big deal but getting flamed in this manner over such a span of time is ban-worthy, especially in your case. You have been banned twice for insulting and although five years have passed you did not change a bit. You just flamed a lot and insulted us. That's not how get respect from your opponents.

I was the one who sent a PM to Mond/Kurei to tell him that I know that you have been banned twice in the past and always have been flaming hard and insulting other players.

What do you call people who insulted 5 years ago and just do the same when he returns? Banned.

Screenshot please

And since when words like nap etc. even repeated, became a serious insult?

ps: 5 years has passed and still players with exaggerated self-importance use ban forum to alter their ego.


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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Luk am 20.07.12 18:34, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 18:34
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I'm not the guy who screens everything. And you did not say "nap", only "asshol" over and over and over and over again. That's disrespectful and insulting.

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Rhino is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 18:37
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My friend, I have nothing to conceal, I always use global chat, so you can see everything I say, but that doesn't mean it is addressed to you. So next time don't lie.

Nap, asshol, stupid are all the same category - i agree, it is disrespectful, but it is not insulting (I don't respect someone who fights outnumbered without reason, and I'm not obliged by rules to respect everyone on the server).


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Luk is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 19:18
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I have been there, I don't lie to you. Why should I?
I began to shoot you because you only said things like "asshol" to my clanmates and then you started to call me an "asshol", too. Fyi: Monkey[X]Wrench (Gamma) and Stacked[X]Actors were my names.
And due to your words I'm not your friend.

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Rhino is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

Beiträge: 154
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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 19:24
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kirki du weißt genau wie es hier früher abging. der typ ist halt einfach ein relikt aus vergangener zeit. deswegen ist er aber noch lange kein schlechter mensch. vor allem nicht wegen so lächerlicher lapalien. naja ich denke du weißt was ich meine.
Omre is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


Playtime: 432h

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 19:49
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Rhino hat folgendes geschrieben:
I have been there, I don't lie to you. Why should I?
I began to shoot you because you only said things like "asshol" to my clanmates and then you started to call me an "asshol", too. Fyi: Monkey[X]Wrench (Gamma) and Stacked[X]Actors were my names.
And due to your words I'm not your friend.

Why shouldn't you? if you are not my friend, it means you are my enemy, especially judging by your offensive posts in violation of cob, so...

Let's say you don't lie, you confuse (may be deliberatly, may be not), but what does it change? I don't remember calling you asshol, I called you monkey, but that's basically is your nick Monkey[X]Wrench.

ps: Omre, I cannot comment on what you are saying, my german is poor, and google translator doesn't help much this time oO


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Luk is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 19:59
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Horatio will post the screenshots

Be afraid.

Don't make yourself look pathetic Luk, you know i got screenshots, and you know there are screenshots;)

When Horatio gets on, i think he will show you the evidence. Im very interested in how you will react upon that.

@Rhino: Du wirst kein Cob bekomm weill du mitbezogen warst.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Kurei am 20.07.12 20:01, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 19:59
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just sayin...

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Robokiller92 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden

financial_expert_silber time_bandit_bronze rpgchar financial_supporter

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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 20:02
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Those are even screenshots that i didn't make.

Thats very nice.
Now you got double trouble Mr

@Robokiller92 - Thanks
Kurei is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden


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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 20:26
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Kurei hat folgendes geschrieben:

Don't make yourself look pathetic Luk, you know i got screenshots, and you know there are screenshots;)

When Horatio gets on, i think he will show you the evidence. Im very interested in how you will react upon that.

My reaction is already posted - asshol, stupid, nap ... etc. has always been not a compliment, but not a hard insult. You are expecting someone, whom you fight outnumbered without a reason, to thank you and praise you, really?

You have already confessed (though unintentionally) that in fact you were not insulted, it was just a reason for blackmailing of me. Because the one who is really insulted, just goes immediately to the forum and complains, you didn't, moreover you for 3 hours kept on blackmailing me...

ps: the screens already posted are modified, thus are not trustworthy.


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Verfasst am: 20.07.12 21:13
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It's a difference betweet you thinking that "asshole" is not an insult and people actually being insulted by the word "asshole", especially when you repeat it more often. And yeah of course, because Robo cleared out his name the screenshots can't be trusted.

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